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June 14, 2014

Catch up!

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 12:56 pm

Well we have been busy on vacation. We got back last night so today it was see what happened when we were gone. Looks like everything went well. Jeff does a great job looking after things when we are not here. But we got three clutches today and a litter of boas. So a good day. I will try to post some pics later or put them up on the facebook page. 14bal033 14bal035 14bal037

May 11, 2014

Mothers Day

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 3:05 pm

On this Mother’s Day, my daughter took me to a specialized center to treat the plaque psoriasis that has been afflicting me for a few weeks. You have no idea how much I adore her

Happy Mothers say to all the mothers our there. Today was a good day for us we had three more clutches to put away. Still waiting for more of these boas to give birth but they will in there own time. LOL

March 11, 2014

Spring! And GTP eggs!

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 5:48 pm

Well not just yet and it is snowing here today but did we have some good breeding going on. I think it was the single best day for breeding this season. Also yesterday we got our first GTP eggs of the season. Only four were good but they are from Acrtic Blue to his daughter so that is AWESOME! Cannot wait to see those. We hope to have some more of those as well. 14gtp002

November 29, 2013

Green Tree Python Available

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 12:13 am

Green Trees


2.2 Yapen. Bushmaster babies raised here since 2008. $ 800.00 pair.

1.0 Lereh. Bushmaster baby raised here since 2008. $ 300.00

1.0 Arctic Blue x Meruake hatched in 2008. $ 1,000.00 ea

All prices are plus shipping which runs about $40.00.

September 8, 2013

Good week coming up.

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 7:51 pm

Should be a good week this week. Have to do some traveling to make a few deliveries. Getting ready for the big Anaheim show in CA next week too. That should be a great show this season. We will have some amazing balls and boas there this time around. Plus we will have some adult there for sale as well. If you are looking for something let us know as Colette is making room for animals she has been growing up.

August 27, 2013


Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 5:54 pm

Today I had to trade off feeding so I could take pictures. I really do not know which one I like the least. Both have to be done in a hot room with high humidity. Just not a fan of hot humid air. Guess that is why I live out west. Have to feed tomorrow now. But today I am working on the pics I took and getting them loaded on the site.

Read more what is the truth behind this fat burner diet or a good keto diet.

I’m sure these are all well-intentioned and well worth keeping in mind when you’re at your wits end and you want to reach a keto-leaner or a long-term ketos-only goal. The above list is just my take. I find my diet comes down to trying to reach a keto-leaner and not a long-term ketos-only goal. I have heard about alpilean weight loss supplement and I’m thinking on taking it, containing natural ingredients which are known to boost metabolism and burn fat. The supplement claims to suppress appetite, increase energy levels, and enhance mental clarity. It is marketed as a natural and safe alternative to synthetic weight loss pills. I think the fat/ketone ratio is going to be far higher during this time. But that’s because of the amount of fats in my diet. Some of them include:

1 teaspoon each of unsalted butter, unsalted butter leavened, unsalted cashews (you’ll see their flavor in the ingredients list if you do eat cashews) and nuts

a few more tablespoons or more of organic coconut oil: organic coconut oil (I got mine from a friend of mine who also made it), organic maple syrup, coconut oil or coconut butter

2 tablespoons of whole wheat flour or organic ground wheat flour (it’s great for a keto nutty keto diet)

4 teaspoons toasted walnuts or chia seeds

4 teaspoons coconut flour and more toasted almonds:

1 cup of whole wheat flour or 2/3 full cups of almond white flour

While using alpilean weight loss supplement a diet plan should be tailored to an individual’s needs, including any underlying health conditions, caloric needs, and nutritional goals. A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates would be a good start.

August 6, 2013

Pastel Lavender Albino and Pastel Albino

Filed under: TSK — Josh @ 10:11 am

Pastel Lavender Albino and Pastel Albino

First for us.

August 1, 2013

Getting up to speed

Filed under: TSK — Josh @ 10:29 am

Well, things have been pretty crazy around here the last little bit. Outside of the snakes, we have had several projects that we have tried to work on, such as Facebook, Twitter, this blog. Unfortunately, when things get busy, the less important things are usually the ones that get put on the low priority first. However, I (Josh, son of Dan and Colette) recently got back from Hong Kong and will be helping with our new push to keep Facebook, the blog, and hopefully Twitter all up to date, keeping you all informed.

So, first things first. If you haven’t been to check out the Facebook page yet, head on over!! You will find information on the reptile shows that we will be attending under the Events tab, have listed some of the animals that we have available, found on our Facebook Store, and also updates on our activities, like this one.

That was a big crab!!

So, after a good week of vacation, finding big crabs, catching some sun, it’s back to work. On the schedule, getting ready for the upcoming shows. On the agenda:

August 10 & 11, Pomona, California (Reptile Super Show)
August 17 & 18, Daytona Beach, Florida (National Reptile Breeders Expo)
September 21 & 22, Anaheim, California (NARBC)
September 28 & 29, Salt Lake City, Utah (Wasatch Reptile Expo)
October 12 & 13, Tinley Park (Chicago), Illinois (NARBC)
October 26 & 27, Las Vegas, Nevada (Las Vegas Reptile Expo)
November 2 & 3, San Diego, California (Reptile Super Show)

So we have quite a bit of preparation to do.

July 14, 2012

Talk about going Bananas……

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 8:37 am

one banana, two banana, three banana four

June 29, 2012

Albino motleys born today.

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 12:14 pm


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