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May 14, 2010


Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 1:48 pm


A nice clutch of Pinstripes today. Hope for good odds.

Arctic blue baby

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 10:44 am


This one just shed today so I wanted to get a pic. This is from my phone but it looks really good. This is from the cyclops female. We will have to see how it ends up looking but so far I am liking that dark almost black in there. More eggs like this guy due to hatch in a couple weeks. Nothing like watching a GTP change color. Just sometimes you wish you could say STOP no more just stay like you are now. Any ways hope this one holds on to that dark color.

Looking for eggs.

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 10:43 am


Walked in the room this morning and found these eggs. These will be albino spiders. I love Albino Spiders. These always sell out fast so if you want one let us know soon.

May 7, 2010

More eggs

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 1:47 pm


Another clutch of super pastel spider mojaves. Eight nice good eggs. Wow these will be cool to see hatch.

May 5, 2010

super pastel spider mojave

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 12:12 pm


these should be really awesome. Well that’ll for today on eggs. A busy morning putting eggs away but that is how we like it. Have a great day.

Super pastel sugars

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:24 am


These should be really nice. There looks to be at least 3 maybe 4 sugars in there. We will have to see in 60 days. Waiting is the hardest part. One more clutch to go as we had three today.

Fire bees

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 10:30 am


Hope to have some fire bees from this clutch.

May 2, 2010

One egg?

Filed under: TSK — Tags: — Dan @ 5:49 pm

Yes one egg was laid today by an albino. She has more so we will have to see what she has for us tommorow. The one egg does appear to be good though as it does have veins. Time will tell.

April 13, 2010

Back from Easter Break

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 7:16 pm

Well last week we spent the week in Coronado Ca on the beach. We had an great time and California welcomed us with a great earthquake even though it was down in Mexico. A 7.2 and we were only about 70 miles from the epicenter. I think it was the longest quake I have been in it rumbled the ground for at least 45 seconds. Do you know how weird it is to be on the sand and feel it moving?

Well back in the snake room this week and things are really looking good. I was trying to feed today but I spent more time marking snakes there were going to shed than I did feeding. Many of those are pre egg sheds so not alot of eating going on right now. But that is a good thing.

I had a call today I would like to share with you as well. Things like this just really get me going. I was asked the question about certian “super” females producing. I guess there was a rumor that so called Lucy females will not produce eggs. I was a little surprised as I have never heard this before. So I went over to my girls while he was on the phone and counted out 4 super mojave females that produced last year. I guess that should put the rumor to rest. Usually these rumor start from jelous people who do not even have the morph or from someone who only has onefemale super and it does not produce for them so they figure they are no good. Give me a break. I will leave it at that or i may say something I should not. LOL

Our daughter was up in her room today and we hear a scream of excitment. I have eggs! We bought her 4 designer geckos last year and here first eggs came today. She has worked really had to take care of them and now she is rewarded. So if you happen to be looking for some cool designer geckos let us know she will have a few to sell.

Green Tree Pythons……………yes we are loving our GTP’s If you have never had them then you need to get some of these. We are expecting several clutches this season and should have some nice ones. I will have to post some pics of my nice ones for you soon.

Any ways keep coming back and take a look at our nussery pages. We are updating it with clutches as they come. If you ahve not signed up on our web page as a member you need to do so as there are some nice perks when you do.

March 23, 2010

Incubator ON

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 5:47 pm

Well it is getting close we had to turn on the incubator yesterday and get it warmed up. We are expecting our first clutch of the season tomorrow. It will probably be a few days late though but we have to be prepared. Looking like we should have some real great clutches this season. Keep an eye on the nursery pages for what is coming. If you see somethign you are going to want do not wait til they hatch to let us know as people are already getting on the list for upcoming animals. Oh and I checked my banana female today and “Yeah” lets just say i am feeling good about that.

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