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    January 2004
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January 1, 2004

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:34 pm

Well here we are in 2004. What a quick year 2003 was looking back. I think 2004 will be the best year in ball pythons we have ever seen. New morphs should be produced by many of the breeders.

Dry wall done.
It should be an exciting year to say the least. The building is about two weeks away from being complete. We are so anxious to get in it is driving me crazy. I just want to put all snake duties on hold till we get in but we can not do that at this time. Breeding activity is really picking up now.
ready for scratch coat.
Got some of those key males doing their job. Having both male Genetic Stripes getting with the program really eased the tension this season. I was about the have a Winter BBQ if he did not get to business.
Hate to be stuck down there, 11 feet down.
Any ways back to the building. The septic tank was set yesterday; dry wall is complete just waiting for texture and paint. The outside is scratched and ready to be browned. It is really close.
Bob the tractor man! He is great when ever you hear I am on the tractor it is one of his.

We wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year!!!!!!!!!!!

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