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    January 2004
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January 16, 2004

Almost Complete……………………

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:34 pm

The building is almost complete. Today being Friday should be the last day of the major work. Inspector is coming today to sign the place off. If all goes well we will be moving in on Saturday. We can not wait to get it all going. Everything is here except the new cages I need. Seems to be a little hold up on them. But no matter we will move with out them and add them in later. Not much more going on than that right now. All our energies have gone into getting the building done. Next week will be busy dialing it all in to where we want it. Should be a lot of fun. With any luck the next time you stop by we will have a place to sit down and talk in the room rather than standing the whole time. I just get too hot out there to stand and talk for too long.

Ready for color.
These are about the final pics. The picture of the insulation going in is happening right as I type. This other picture of the Mojave breeding is from the person that just bought the Mojave male adult I just sold. You can bet he is a happy camper!
One happy Mojave!
For those that were thinking about buying him I do have one more I am going to part with so if you are interested let me know. Soon as he sheds I will get you pics if you would like them. That is all for now. Next report will be building complete.
Insulation being blown in the attic.

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