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January 21, 2004


Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:35 pm

Well I am a few days behind on updating the news around here. This is the building as of 1/21/2004 the day before we moved in the snakes. It was actually ready on the 16th with a complete inspection.

almost ready for snakes!
It is sure nice to have all that behind us now. As you can see from the picture we had to put some space heaters in the room to warm it up before moving in the snakes. It took about 4-5 days to get the slab to warm up enough we felt we could move the snakes in the building. Being only in the 20’s at night here it just sucks the heat right out. So while we were heating the place up it gave a little time to finish a few things.
inside the building.
The alarm system was completed which is really slick along with a fire alert system. That is about all that was happening at this stage.

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