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May 22, 2005

If you build it they will come………

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:36 am

Sunday, the day of rest. Well not for us this morning. We were blest with FIVE clutches of eggs today. Now that was cool to get five we have had several four clutch days but never a five. So not too much rest this morning for Colette. Yesterday we were egg less which was good as we had so much to do. What a great take as well.

Hypo Mojave laying eggs.

Two clutches of Hypo Mojave to Hypo Mojave 14 eggs total. That right there would have been enough.:) Do you know what is going to hatch from that……….Super Hypo Mojave’s (aka white with snake blue eyes, plus it will be hypo) Hypo Mojave’s & Extreme Hypos. Now you may be asking what is a hypo white snake going to look like. Well I do not know but we will see in 60 days. It will be cool to have one to breed to other crosses though.

As for the other clutches we got Mojave het hypo to Mojave, Pastel Het Ivory to pastel & Piebald to Possible het Piebald. So a very good day at 34 good eggs and one slug. I wonder what a super pastel het ivory will look like. The incubator is full now and we are expecting three more clutches tomorrow.

Found this little legless lizard out in the yard today. Had to take a picture before we let him go.

So I have to go get some extra shelving out of the garage tonight and get it set up to accommodate the overflow until we get some more hatched out. I just may have to fire up the storage room which was built as an incubator as well. It is larger and was designed to be the incubator in the first place. So now I guess its day has come. So to take a line from a great movie…….”If you build it they will come” well we built the incubators and now the eggs are coming, it is AWESOME!!!!!!!

This a planter being built. Wait till you see the tree for it.

The back yard is coming along nice. They have been at work now for five days. I think when they get here tomorrow though they will be re doing a few things. Most of the water lines are all in and about ½ of the brick & stone work is done. It is a huge job. I have more sprinkler valves I think than everyone else combined in the neighborhood. Colette and I went to the nursery over 400 acres and picked out some great trees. We are into palms around the pool so we had to pick out 14 of them. Then we just could not resist. I love the Canary Island palms. They are just huge trees and look so cool so we sprung for two of them. I am just waiting to hear what the cost on those is going to be. I am sure my landscaper is going to tell me soon.

kids play area off the pool.

Considering they are in a five foot box and it will take a crane to lift them into place it will be a few dollars I am sure. So he tells me today he wants to be laying sod by Friday. Well I hope so that would make a great holiday on Monday.

Not too much else going on right now, only two more weeks of school left for the kids so that will be nice. That will give us a little extra help here for a few months. They like to help with everything but we make their studies a priority while they are in school. Any ways time to move on now just had to share some excitement.

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