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May 3, 2006

Hello warm weather!!!!!!!!!!

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 12:06 pm

Well the weather warmed up and summer is upon us here in California. I am ready to head back to the beach. There is so much going on right now. We did get back in our house now that the remodel is done. That was a bear living in the motor home for three weeks. But the house is done now and it is nice. So now we are considering moving. Actually we have done a lot to prepare for a move we just have to build a new rodent facility and a new reptile facility. That takes time and money. So that brings me to snakes for sale. I need to add some more to the list and I will over the next week. I added a few this morning. When we move we will be crossing the desert during the heat of the summer. I would like to reduce the amount of snakes I have to make this trek. So if we have something for sale on the site or if you know we have something you want send me an email with your reasonable offer and we will see what we can do. I plan on moving out a good number of these 2005 offspring to make the move much easier. I will also be selling some sub adult and adult females as well. I was also just informed some adult males will be going too. We have a lot that is not listed. Maybe I can get a list together over this next week. Moving the adults will be a large task. Not looking forward to traveling when it is over 100 outside. But that is the way it will turn out if all goes as we would like it to. Have to go now kids have games today.

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