If you live in a semi-detached house or a semi-detached house, share a wall (or walls) with your neighbour – it`s known as a party wall. It separates buildings owned by different owners. If you would like us to provide you with an offer of party survey services for your project, simply fill out the form below and we will partner with you. The Party Walls Act requires that if you are doing work on a party structure, digging or building within 3 metres of a neighbouring land or at the border, you must inform your neighbours of your work. They are legally obliged to communicate to all shoreline owners the proposed works, which structurally concern the party wall, or excavations near the wall. If you start working without notice, the adjacent owner can appeal to the court. They must not cause unnecessary inconvenience and must compensate for damage to buildings and property. Also, if you have received a message from the wall part, then it is important to make sure that you are reacting correctly. The Murrins Chartered Surveyors can answer on your behalf and manage the entire process. In the event that party voting decisions are to be served, it is important that they are properly prepared and served in order to comply with the law.
If the message is not followed, you may take legal action against you. After spending many years renovating real estate and getting tired of caring for unscrupulous surveyors who offered poor service and demanded thousands of pounds of fees, Wayne and his team decided to create Mr Party Wall, with a vision of how the party`s Wall Surveyor should work. Party Walls Surveyors are an independent company based in London. We specialize in all residential and commercial matters and cover the Bromley area. Some of our services include: The Party Walls Act provides a level of protection for building owners who offer construction work for a party structure or excavations in the immediate vicinity of their property. We carry out survey services for the festival on the following sites: If you have discussed the proposals with your neighbour, but you have not reached an agreement, an expert must be appointed. This should be a qualified person with experience in party management. It is more likely that your neighbour will accept an “agreed surveyor” if that person is not related to the design or monitoring of your work. An institution such as the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors will provide you with a list of local surveyors. An agreement with your neighbour under the law does not exempt the possible need for a building permit or building permit. The best way to resolve all differences is through a friendly discussion and each written agreement. If this is not possible, an “agreed surveyor” is collectively referred to as a predator for the two neighbours.
Otherwise, each neighbour will have to appoint its own expert and these two evaluators will appoint a third expert who will only be referred if the two evaluators fail to agree.