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January 22, 2004


Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:36 pm

Okay now is moving in day. Yes we are excited!!!!! Colette and I rolled in all the racks today. We still need to get the incubator all hooked up but that will have to wait a few days. We did get a nice clutch of eggs today. That is the second clutch of the season.

Nine nice good looking eggs!
Nine nice good eggs. So I better get this new incubator hooked up soon as I really want the eggs in the new building as soon as possible. I will have to get new pics of that as I get it completed as well. Just a few more things need to be finished. Like we need some cement walk ways installed. But I hate pouring cement in freezing weather. So maybe we will wait for it to warm up just a bit. The rain gutters were installed so if it does rain it will not stain the side of my nice new building. That is all for now.

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