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Genetically Speaking


Punnett Squares for different genetic combinations.

Single recessive crosses using normal ball pythons, (wild type), heterozygous albino ball pythons and albino ball pythons.

Normal x Albino

a+a+ x  aa

punnett square

In this cross all the resulting offspring are heterozygous for albino, a+a.

Normal x Heterozygous albino

a+a+ x  a+a

punnett square

In this cross there is a mixture of offspring. 50% of the hatchlings are normal or wild type, a+a+. 50% of the hatchlings are heterozygous albinos, a+a. Since there are no visual differences between the hatchlings that are heterozygous albinos and the normals the entire clutch is labeled 50% possible heterozygous albinos.

Heterozygous albino x Heterozygous albino

a+a x  a+a

punnett square

In this cross there is a mixture of offspring. 25% of the hatchlings are normal or wild type, a+a+. 50% of the hatchlings are heterozygous albinos, a+a. 25% of the hatchlings are albino, aa. Since there are no visual differences between the hatchlings that are heterozygous albinos and the normals the normal looking ball pythons are labeled 66% possible heterozygous albinos.

Heterozygous albino x Albino

a+a x  aa

punnett square

In this cross there is also a mixture of offspring. 50% of the hatchlings are heterozygous albino, a+a. 50% of the hatchlings are albinos, aa.

Double recessive crosses using albino ball pythons and axanthic ball pythons.

Albino x Axanthic

aaax+ax+ x  a+a+axax

punnett square

In this cross all the resulting offspring are double heterozygous for albino and axanthic, a+aax+ax.

Double heterozygous albino axanthic x Double heterozygous albino axanthic

a+aax+ax x  a+aax+ax

punnett square

Punnett Squares for different genetic combinations.

Single recessive crosses using normal ball pythons, (wild type), heterozygous albino ball pythons and albino ball pythons.

Double heterozygous albino axanthic x albino heterozygous axanthic

a+aax+ax x  aaax+ax

punnett square

In this cross 12.5% of the offspring are heterozygous for albino a+aax+ax+, 25% of the offspring are heterozygous for albino and heterozygous for axanthic a+aax+ax, 12.5% of the offspring are axanthic heterozygous for albino a+aaxax, 12.5% of the offspring are albino aaax+ax+, 25% of the offspring are albino heterozygous axanthic aaax+ax, 12.5% of the offspring are snow aaaxax.

Double heterozygous albino axanthic x snow

a+aax+ax x  aaaxax

punnett square

In this cross 25% of the offspring are heterozygous for albino and heterozygous for axanthic a+aax+ax, 25% of the offspring are axanthic heterozygous for albino a+aaxax, 25% of the offspring are albino heterozygous axanthic aaax+ax, 25% of the offspring are snow aaaxax.

Albino heterozygous axanthic x snow

aaax+ax x  aaaxax

punnett square

In this cross 50% of the offspring are albino heterozygous for axanthic aaax+ax and 50% of the offspring are snow aaaxax.
